The Research Center for Applied Ethics (CCEA) operates under the Doctoral School of UTCB and was established in 2021 by Senate Decision No. 11789 from 26/11/2021. CCEA aims, first and foremost, to provide a platform for stimulating critical thinking and encouraging an open approach to issues related to academic and professional ethics and deontology.
The Research Center for Applied Ethics was established to strengthen a proactive and reactive approach to the issues that are brought about by non-compliance with moral and professional values in the academic environment and other domains. The role of CCEA becomes even more important especially in the new legislative context, which enables Romanian universities to elaborate their own anti-plagiarism strategies and to include in their curricula courses in ethics and academic deontology for all study cycles.
The Research Center for Applied Ethics brings together teachers, researchers, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students that are eager to conduct research in the field of applied ethics.
CCEA aims to carry out fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of applied ethics, to disseminate research results through publications, to take part in and to organize national and international scientific events.
The implications of ethics need to be known in the academic community, because research in a particular field comes with the legal or moral obligations that researchers assume. In today’s international context, humanity is facing an increasingly pressing ethical issue.
For this reason, many specialists in this field have even recommended the establishment of an oath to be taken by researchers, similar to the „Hippocratic Oath” taken by doctors. Especially during the doctoral studies, it is necessary to be aware of the importance of the ethical implications of PhD students’ research.